
Product page SEO: Top tips for the beauty industry

With today’s digital technology, it has never been easier to search, access product information and make online purchases. Therefore, every business has the opportunity to display its products online. 

The online market for beauty products is fiercely competitive, with cosmetics alone representing almost $14 billion in sales in 2023. Breaking into this market is undoubtedly tough. But with the help of SEO, it is possible for any brand, even small startups.

The beauty industry is highly competitive, making it challenging to gain visibility in search. But by improving the SEO of your website, you can significantly boost your visibility and drive a significant volume of organic traffic to your range of beauty products. To achieve organic visibility, you should make sure that product pages are optimised for search engines so that they can be found in the search results.

In this article, we will share strategies for improving your product page in the beauty industry, focusing on SEO content and technical factors.

Why is SEO important for product pages? 

 » Read more about: Product page SEO: Top tips for the beauty industry  »

What we learned at Mozcon 2022

MozCon is one of the biggest training events in the world of SEO. But if you haven’t heard of it before, don’t worry – I’ll do my best to let you know what it’s about, how it went, and why it’s so helpful for SEO professionals. 

It’s unfair to start without thanking Lidia Infante – who kindly gave her guest ticket to Re:signal who then organised this incredible trip to MozCon. It was my first time there, and I found it AMAZING! 


Through my role as Senior SEO Analyst at Re:signal, I support SEO strategies for a collection of well-known brands and am always looking for ways to learn and improve.


 » Read more about: What we learned at Mozcon 2022  »

Seasonal SEO: How to Capitalise on Seasonal Customer Behaviour

Seasonal SEO: How to Capitalise on Seasonal Customer Behaviour

Seasonal SEO: How to Capitalise on Seasonal Customer Behaviour Changes!


Every business is affected by seasonality, whether due to the weather, celebrations, or even a global pandemic!

When we think of seasonality, we immediately think of peak seasons such as Christmas, Black Friday, and Mother’s Day, but there is actually far more to it. Seasonality can be expected in any business and therefore digital marketing strategies need to account for these trends and changes in buyer behaviour.

In this article, I’ll explain why seasonality is essential for SEO, and show you how to identify changes in seasonal behaviour.


 » Read more about: Seasonal SEO: How to Capitalise on Seasonal Customer Behaviour  »

The Best Practices of SEO Colour Variations for eCommerce Site


URLs colour variations are crucial topics that should be decided before setting up the website’s structure. While defining a good user experience is essential, you should also keep SEO best practices in mind. Primarily due to the fact most eCommerce sites have millions of product pages.

In this article, we’ll discuss the best practices of SEO colour variations for eCommerce sites. If you are thinking of changing your website structure or if you want to confirm if you’re using the proper method, we’ll help you to find out! 

Before going into the post, it is vital to understand precisely what URL parameters are and how we should use them. Here is an overview of the following article: 

  • What are URLs parameters?

 » Read more about: The Best Practices of SEO Colour Variations for eCommerce Site  »