How to Write an SEO Performance Report for Your Clients

How to Write an SEO Performance Report for Your Clients

How to Write an SEO Performance Report for Your Clients – Key Questions and Free Template!

Whether you’re an SEO agency, or an in-house specialist, There will come a time when you’ll be asked to create a performance or progress report to show your worth. For many this can seem a daunting, and  lengthy process, But have no fear! We’ve got some top tips on client reporting best practices and an easy formula you can follow to write a report your clients will love.

What is SEO Performance Reporting?

SEO reporting is presenting a website’s SEO status, generally through month-on-month, quarter-on-quarter, or year-on-year comparisons. It should include data reflecting directly back to your targets and goals for organic performance. These types of reports are for communicating progress on SEO projects, and should be used to ensure all parties have a clear understanding of what progress looks like. This will cover where you’re heading, with a definitive strategy for the upcoming period. An SEO Performance Report should not include an overwhelming amount of screenshots from Google Analytics and GDS Dashboards, as the client can already access and see this data. 

Here are the key questions we need to ask ourselves at the start of every report.


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