
Measuring Content Marketing

UK Search Awards

The challenge for content marketing is what is it worth?

The answer is that there is always a way to measure impacts if you plan ahead, have specific KPIs and have time allocated to dive deep into the data. Earlier this year I was lucky enough to speak at SEOCamp in Paris on the topic of measuring content marketing with my main topics covering the following points:

  1. Measuring links acquired in Majestic
  2. Measuring changes in TrustFlow/CitationFlow
  3. Measuring shares on social with BuzzSumo
  4. Measuring estimated reach of your content in CoverageBook
  5. Measuring referral traffic using Google Analytics
  6. Measuring organic traffic using Google Analytics
  7. Measuring uplift in impressions using Google Search Console
  8. Measuring average rank uplift using Google Search Console
  9. Measuring the number of search terms driving traffic to a page
  10. Keyword ranking improvement in SEOmonitor
  11. Automated measurement of content published in SEOmonitor

Another bonus section I included in my talk was around

  1. Forecasting impact of content marketing
  2. Calculating how much content you will need to produce?

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