Is virtual reality (VR) the future of content marketing?

Virtual Reality

I have a confession. Until recently I hadn’t really given virtual reality too much thought…

Sure it looks like a lot of fun for gamers, but for marketers? Surely not!

The novelty will wear off and it will never catch on for a mainstream audience…


Then I saw Robert Scoble talk about virtual reality (VR) at Pubcon last month, which for me was a real eye-opener.

This really got me thinking about what virtual reality means for the future of content marketing…

I asked Robert a few questions after his talk, which provided hugely valuable insight into how VR can have an impact to everyone, and what marketers need to do in order to take advantage of this.

Don’t worry, I’m sharing all of the key points with you:

1) Microsoft is betting the company on HoloLens

Definitely watch this video, it’s very cool to see what VR will be able to do. It feels a bit like Minority Report to me, but it’s no longer a futuristic sci-fi movie!

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