I run an agency but spend less than 10% of my time on marketing

Kevin Gibbons speaking at London SES

“Kev, how can you still consider yourself an MARKETER?

When was the last time you actually did any MARKETING for your own agency?”

I get questions like this a lot…and they bother me each time.

And here’s the rub…

I’m the one asking them…of myself.

You see, I’ve run digital marketing agencies since 2006. I’ve spent a lot of time experimenting, hacking, growing, learning (and everything in between). I’ve written hundreds of blog posts, given media interviews and presented at a ton of conferences. To be honest, I (pretty much) loved every minute of it…and the ends always justified the means.

“Organic” marketing has always been my main way of generating new business, with prospects coming purely via referral, reputation, search or our own content. I loved spending most of my time in “the trenches” and this allowed us to keep growing and working with some leading companies in the world.


(Here I am speaking at an SES London event from a couple of years ago)


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