
10 in-house tips for getting content marketing & SEO buy-in

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Internally, November is the time of year when everyone is looking forward to their new year budgets. No matter what your organisation’s gatekeeper looks like (CMO, line manager, Managing Director), you need to inspire sign off. And with the UK economy beginning to look up, there’s no better time than now to push for additional budget as you plan for the New Year.

  1. Propose new budget spend as a test. Even if you know a new approach will work, starting the initiative small means you appear experimental, curious, and innovative, while being cautious with your organisation’s investment. You can agree on KPIs, and ensure additional investment and sign off if your test meets expectations. This approach ensures your budget gate-keeper is comfortably in control.
  2. Take advantage of procurement. Your procurement team LOVES measuring ROI, assessing your agency relationships, helping you decide where to spend next year’s budget and how to plan it. Let them be of service!

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